Feldenkrais To Relieve Physical Pain, Improve Your Posture And Mobility At Any Age!

FeldenkraisFeldenkrais is an education system method that uses movement to teach self awareness. This learning process helps you to understand your body and explore the way you move so that you can correct yourself.

This method helps to communicate with your unconscious body through movements.

Basically this method uses slow and precise movement sequences to engage your brain through your body and nervous system. With the neuromuscular system, felndenkrais activates more parts of your brain. Also, it helps your muscles to move outside of their habitual pattern.

Feldenkrais movement cycles are all regarding learning to make movement easier at all times. These movement sequences have practical focus, thus resulting in better functioning in everyday activities. This helps in mobility and flexibility and helps in treating the conditions like sport injuries.

Movement changes resulting from feldenkrais:

This method at first educates you to pay attention to the way you move and make changes so that physical movements are more comfortable. During this process, you will get better breathing and relaxation habits so that you will naturally become more graceful.

All the actions are slow, begin with small movements, gently increase the moves as you progress. You need to lay down on the floor for various sessions. The therapist works with you by using touch and manipulation, keeping in mind regarding your own needs.

Personal benefits of feldenkrais:

Everybody can get benefits from feldenkrais method. The movement cycles are right for people of all age groups.

The benefits of feldenkrais method:

Feldenkrais method helps to improve the following conditions successfully:

Feldenkrais is expected to improve your:

  • Sleep
  • Breathing
  • Thinking
  • Relaxation
  • Self image
  • Flexibility
  • Coordination
  • General wellbeing
  • Strength and stability

Feldenkrais lessons offer a safe and meditative space, where you can relieve stress, relax and improve your unconscious movements away from familiar limitations. These gentle movements help you to move, think, and act more creatively and comfortably.

Feldenkrais sessions often offer a lasting relief from the discomfort of stress-related backaches and headaches. These conditions are due to the chronic contraction of the posterior musculature.

The practitioners who have experience in the feldenkrais method, use skillful, gentle and supportive hands in order to develop a sense of safety, preserve supportive contact, and gain the assistance of the unconscious.

Also, this method helps to improve new movement possibilities in small, easily available increments. Overall, the method can bring great movement changes in your body.