Mint Oil Is A Smooth, Flavored Healer

mint oilThe traditional medicine recommends the people to consume mint tea or a mixture of mint leaves as a remedy for the unbalanced digestive system.

The mint oil is extracted from the whole plant and it is used to heal the digestive problems; the headache the nausea and also the menopause discomfort.

The mint oil is an essential oil containing high levels of menthol, with antiseptic and anesthetic effect.

That is why it is recommended in the treatment of the respiratory infections. If it is properly used, it is very efficient in the treatment of headaches and problems like cough and cold as well as muscular cramps.

Because the mint oil fights against the bacterial infections it can be added in the acne and skin spots treatment. Also it is a good stimulator for blood circulation and gives light to the dry and dull skin.

If some drops of mint oil are added in hot water and you put your feet inside the sensation of heavy legs disappears instantly.

It is a known fact that the perfumes generate direct response inside the brain causing a mental alert and increasing focus. Because of this property the mint oil is often used for treating depression, anger and nervous breakdowns.

The dosage must be handled with care and the administration to children done under the doctor’s supervision in order to avoid overdose that may result in allergies, stomach burns and discomfort.