Eliminate Acne with Homeopathic Treatment Options

homeopathic treatmentWhen you are facing the condition of acne, there are many reasons that it can occur.

When acne breaks out on the surface of your skin, it can be caused by several different factors within the body, or on the skin.

You may experience breakouts because you have allergies to certain foods, or because you have oily skin.

In some cases you may have several reasons for your breakouts. For this reason, homeopathic treatment for acne may be needed.

Homeopathy is the process of treating illness or conditions within the body naturally. This treatment method takes into account all of the factors that may be causing your acne, and treats each cause rather than simply treating individual bumps on your face.

Understanding the root cause of Your Acne

The first thing your homeopathic doctor will want to do is find the cause of your acne. Some people experience break outs after eating specific types of food.

Others suffer from acne as a side effect to stress and anxiety. At the same time, acne can be caused as a result of oily skin and clogged pores.

Your doctor will ask a series of questions to determine which of these factors may be leading to acne breakouts. You may feel that many of the questions do not even have anything to do with the little white bumps on your face.

However, homeopathic doctors believe that acne is the direct result of many root causes, that do not seem directly related to the surface of the skin.

Eliminating Factors That Cause Acne

Eliminating factors, that your homeopathic doctor believes are leading to acne, is your first step. You may be instructed to avoid certain foods, lower your stress level, or wash your face differently.

Your homeopathic doctor may also suggest that you replace certain chemical medications with natural herbs.

For example, homeopathic treatments use vitamins and herbs to fight bacteria and unhealthy conditions, rather than using antibiotics or chemical drugs. It is thought that many of these chemicals can actually have a negative impact, and cause acne to develop.

Homeopathic Herbs Effective For Acne

There are several herbs and natural treatments used by homeopathic doctors for acne treatments. The herbs used will vary, depending on what the doctor feels is the root cause of your acne.

If your acne is caused by stress the doctor may recommend Gabba which is a natural calming agent.

However, for those with acne that is caused by a hormonal imbalance, antimonium tartaricum and calcarea carbonica may be effective when applied to the skin.

These treatments have shown promising results, when used to treat those with a hormonal imbalance. In addition, if acne is thought to be the result of a bacterial infection within the skin, Echinacea may be a natural antibiotic type solution.

Homeopathic Treatments without Prescriptions

In addition to prescribing herbs and supplements, homeopathic doctors also recommend lifestyle changes to eliminate acne. For example, a condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes can cause the body to fight against itself.

Acne may be a result of this internal battle. In these situations, a lifestyle change to control blood pressure or blood sugar would be necessary. You may need to eliminate salt or sugar from your diet in order to find relief.

Get help from a homeopathic doctor to determine the root cause of your acne, if you want to eliminate it once and for all.