Increasing Self Control with Electrical Brain Stimulation

You may not believe it, but a lot of people have problems with their self-control. They often say the wrong things at the wrong time or they have some habits that they simply can’t stop doing. However, the good news is there might be some hope for these people. The specialists claim that they have found a way to help people increase their self-control and this method could also help people with Tourette’s syndrome and ADHD.

Increasing Self Control with Electrical Brain Stimulation

The Study

In order to study the problem, the specialists worked with four people with epilepsy. The participants had to perform activities that broke their brain activity. As a result the specialists have found that the part of the brain handling actions of this kind can be found in the prefrontal cortex.


The researchers claim that if there are electrodes implanted on the surface of the brain, the prefrontal cortex’s activity can be increased by a computer when the behavioral brain activity gets slowed down. The researchers also add that this has been a double blind study and they did not know where and when were the electrical charges triggered.

Surprising Result

These electrical charges can increase the participants’ self-control. However, when the charges were administered to another region of the brain, there have been no changes in the behavior whatsoever. This means that the effects of the electric charges are specific for the prefrontal cortex and the prefrontal cortex only.

What do the Specialists have to say?

The researchers are aware of the fact that people’s lives are filled with situations when they have to inhibit their responses. For instance, there are cases when people have to stop talking because of social conventions. There is a circle of the brain that can inhibit the responses.


The researchers claim that they are the first people to show that there is an artificial way to increase the self-control of people.Although the studies seem to have been effective, the specialists also add that at this point there isn’t enough evidence to suggest that such stimulation might help patients suffering from borderline personality disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Even though there is still need for further research, this study may give some hope to the people who couldn’t enjoy their life to the fullest extent because of behavioral problems. This treatment option may be the answer to the prayers of thousands of people all over the world.