Esalen Massage To Get Complete Relaxation For Body And Mind

A type of Swedish massage, Esalen Massage, mainly focuses on energy exchange and psychological well being.

It is believed that Esalen massage is very beneficial for physical health. Apart from providing relief from pain and anxiety, Esalen massage increases physical mobility.

The main goal of the massage therapist is to tune your body and mind together to sense the serenity and peace.

Usually, Esalen massage is performed through calculated strokes which slowly progresses to neck, arms, feet and hands.

During strokes, the tissues of your body effectively open up to the touch of the massage therapist and accordingly provide deep relaxation and expanded moment.

Esalen massage techniques incorporate long sweeping strokes blended with an intuitive connection between practitioner and the person undergoing massage.

It also involves passive manipulation of specific joints or body organs through different variety of motions.  Your massage therapist may also try to mould the deep tissues particularly those present in limbs and trunk.

How Esalen massage differs from Swedish massage?

While stroke of both massages are similar, the philosophy and intent of Esalen and Swedish massage are quite different. Swedish massage seeks to affect specific joints, muscles and organs of your body to relive pain and increase mobility.

Esalen provides similar effect and additionally it also helps to live more comfortably in your own body and integrates your body, mind and spirit in a harmonious way.

The strokes and manipulations involved in Swedish massage are usually performed for specific therapeutic relief where as Esalen massage is set as a unique style of massage, since it also reflects an attitude about touching, energy awareness and also spiritual healing, apart from physical manipulation.

How Esalen massage benefits ill health persons?

Benefits of Esalen massage include stress reduction, boosting immune response, enhancing proper blood circulation, and providing mental rejuvenation. Researches found that abdominal surgery patients recovered more quickly after having Esalen massage.

Premature infants with underweight have gained weight after massaging with Esalen technique. Cancer patients who are undergoing bone marrow transplants were very less anxious and fatigued after treated with Esalen massage.

If you are really disturbed or stressed emotionally, find a better Esalen massage therapist and get an effective massage to stay away from unwanted stress and anxiety.