Color Psychology – Treating Diseases With Colors!

Color PsychologyColor psychology as therapy? Do you believe that different colors have different healing capacities?

Yes it is true that colors make a positive or negative effect on you depending upon the circumstances you are in.

For example: when you enter a red colored room, the pulse and heart beat increases and when you enter into a blue colored room, your heart beat and pulse will come down to normal.

It’s silly to hear that colors can cure your diseases and can affect the systems in the body. But many psychologists and physiologists believe in color therapy and its effects on the bodies of diseased persons.

Physiological effects are the effects that are shown by the color on your body. Psychological effects are those, which let others know about you. Here are some of the colors and its effects


Physiological effect: Stimulates body and mind by increasing the blood circulation. Stimulation of adrenal glands is shown so consequently that you become strong and increase your inner stamina.

Red color dispels the negative thoughts but some times make the person irritated. The negative effects of red are increase in blood pressure and heart beat.

Psychological effect: The person who likes red is referred as the person with vitality, optimistic, stimulating and ambition. Always you will be the centre of attraction.


Physiological effect: Stimulates the digestive system and useful for patients who have lost their appetite. Stimulation of the sexual organs is also proven. It strengthens the immune system. It can also heal the lungs and increase the energy levels.

Psychological effect: Adventurous, good- natured, determined, social, charming and show unwillingness to forgive.


Physiological effect: Stimulates and sharpens the brain. Stimulation is to such an extent that it will make you alert as well as decisive. Also stimulates the nerves helping to purify the body.

Psychological effect: Intellectual, idealistic, highly imaginative, curious and individual.


Physiological effect: Cools or relaxes. Green is good for your heart if you are prone to diseases. It helps your heart to bring down its emotions and tensions to equilibrium and relaxation state.

Psychological effect: Stability, balance, respectable, good and you never take a wrong decision in any state of mind.


Physiological effect: Decreases blood pressure. Blue gives a soothing and cooling effect, stimulates pituitary gland which regulates the sleep disorders. Make you calm and cool in any state of mind.

Psychological effect: Love to be calm, harmonious and lead a tension free existence. Trust worth, conservative and capable.


Physiological effect: Suppress hunger and balances the body metabolism. In Texas, indigo, a lighter shade of purple, is used as anesthesia for minor operations. That is the soothing effect of purple. It can also get rid some skin related infections and diseases.

Psychological effect: Creative, sensitive, observant, highly artistic talented and glamorous.

Color can make an impact on you- we all have different tastes and different ideologies for color. But many researches have proven that, colors show impact on us and can heal diseases without showing much adverse effects.

But the main disadvantage is the effect is slow on the person and healing capacity is not up to the mark.