Soft Belly Meditation – What and how?

Soft Belly meditation is one of the most effective ways to treat anxiety and panic attacks. The “knots” of tension or the churning feeling in the stomach can be alleviated with the right procedure of soft belly meditation. In this form of exercise you will eventually feel relaxed, peaceful, calm and easy in the abdominal area and evade all the negative vibes in your mind that was creating all the discomfort.

Basically, in soft belly meditation the breathing pattern is the focus of concentration, when the stomach will go in while inhaling and out while exhaling.

When this breathing pattern gets disturbed due to stress or anxiety, it affects the vagus nerves harmfully and that might lead to the secretion of stress hormones like cortisol in your body and also prevent the absorption of valuable nutrients to your body.

soft belly meditation

Soft Belly Meditation Procedure

  • To start with soft belly meditation you need to be seated in crossed leg posture either on a cushion or on a chair. As a beginner you can set your time for 5 – 10 minutes and progressively increase the time.
  • To concentrate on the meditation process your eyes should be closed.
  • You need to breathe through your nose so that oxygen flows into your belly.
  • Pronouncing the word “soft” will assist you to expand your belly.
  • The next step would be exhaling through your mouth in order to emptying your belly.
  • This time the pronouncing word would be “belly”.
  • Focus your attention to the image of your “soft belly”
  • The experience of having soft belly will blow more oxygen to your lungs.
  • After experiencing the sensation of soft belly try to concentrate on the cherished memories of your life like trip to your most wanted place, the first experience when you hold your child in your lap. These memories will support you to be more relaxed.
  • When your timer rings up slowly open your eyes to have a look on the objects in your room. Give another five minutes to get adjusted with the circumstance and finally move on to your desired works.

Once you have got well versed with soft belly meditation process, you can do it for longer durations and for multiple times every day. Often beginners find it hard to concentrate, you can go to a park nearby or see any scenic visual to pacify your mind and try this again.

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