14 Home Remedies that can treat Insomnia

No matter what causes insomnia but, many people complain about sleeplessness during nights. Here discussed are few home remedies which can solve your problem.
14 Home Remedies that can treat Insomnia
  1. Have a nosh
    Having bland bread, some fruits or a glass of warm milk before going to bed is an excellent thing you can do. Drink plenty of fluids before sleeping is not good because it will wake you up at midnight for urination.
  2. Ginger
    Boil the ginger to soak your legs every night. This method helps to relax the meridians and you can sleep better than before. But, this method is only used for mild is used for mild insomnia. Mix ginger and 500 ml ground sugar with 500ml water. Drink the moisture and soak your legs in this solution with ½ cup of vinegar for 30 minutes. This medicine is good for people suffering from insomnia.
  3. Lily
    You can cook 200 gm fleur-de-lis and add one egg yolk and 50grams of brown sugar and stir. Then continue steaming it for 10 minutes.
  4. Warm milk and honey
    Warm milk contains an amino acid called tryptophan which helps to treat insomnia and honey helps to relax muscle and spirit.
  5. Banana
    Like green beans and oatmeal, banana also increases levels of serotonin and melatonin. Besides, this delicious fruit is also known as a natural relaxant for helping you to relax and go to sleep quickly and efficiently.
  6. Make yourself exhausted
    Walking or cycling around the block in the evening will help sleep easier. Feeling tired after making love is easy to make you fall asleep.
  7. Longan
    Soup prepared from fresh pulp of longan makes the blood flow to the brain easy. Therefore, it makes perfect examples as a solution for how to get rid of insomnia, cook 100 gm of fresh longan with 200 ml water into the soup. Let it cool, daily eating it before 30 minutes of sleep will give the desired effect. 
  1. Cinnamon
    Get 10 grams dry cinnamon mix with 100 gm of fresh lotus seeds and 300 ml water. Cook the soup carefully; add more rocky sugar to enjoy easier. You will find a good efficiency immediately.
  2. Tea
    Some tea has narcotic effects, sedation for those who have trouble sleeping stress. This will be an ideal way for you to stack the night sleeplessness, especially for middle-aged Mint tea, herbal tea, and chamomile tea are three teas which are known for narcotic effect.
  3. Jasmine
    Take 100-2—gm of jasmine roots, soak in 1 liter of white wine with 35-4- degrees. Drink 10-20 ml per day before bedtime. Use jasmine roots tea instead of alcohol or any other beverages to treat insomnia in very effective way.
  4. Tomato Juice
    Every night before going to bed 30 minutes, just enjoy a glass if tomato juice is one of the best natural remedies for insomnia. You will have a better and deeper sleep.
  5. Take a warm shower
    One of the best ways to how to get rid of insomnia is taking a warm shower or bath before going to the bed. If you have time, soak your legs in warm water
  6. Listen to music
    Stress, fatigue often makes you sleepless. Eliminating them by relaxing your mind. To distract your brain, instrumental music, especially symphonic music will gently take you into a deep and concentration.

Yoga is smooth and gentle movements. It helps improve blood circulation and maintains your mood and makes your mind calm. Practicing a few yoga poses before going to the bed will bring you an excellent treatment for insomnia by assisting you in promoting good sleep.