How Honeybee Products Help In Apitherapy In Treating Your Ailments?

ApitherapyApitherapy is also called as bee therapy and is one of the most well known alternative therapies.

This therapy is used to treat the ailments by using the products which are made from the common honeybee’s venom and honey.

The medicine used in bee therapy includes bee pollen, propolis, raw honey and royal jelly.

There is no proper evidence that apitherapy works but products like royal jelly have become an increasingly popular item and it can be sold as energy serum.

Venom from bees can be used to treat joint ailments such as arthritis and bee stings can also help in reducing rheumatism. There are five basic honeybee products:

Pollen: It can be considered as a good treatment for seasonal allergies and is commonly sold as an energy supplement. Frequently pollen can be used in beauty products and most of you believe that it can slow down the aging process, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Propolis: Bees can have the ability to make their own glue to stick their hives together and repair the walls. This bee glue is called propolis and is made from the sap of containers or poplar trees.

The products made from bee materials are mainly used to get relief. Chap Stick is made from propolis. It can also be proved as an antioxidant by apitherapy enthusiasts.

Raw honey: It is full of B vitamins and it acts as quick energy booster, similar to cane sugar or fructose. This is not the processed honey. It has not been filtered or heat treated. By putting a poultice of raw honey on an open wound can dramatically slow the spread of infection casing bacteria.

Raw honey may contain fungus. So, AIDS patients who are using propolis antioxidants could be harmed through the use of unprocessed honey.

Royal jelly: It is produced in the salivary glands of the worker bee in order to feed the queen. Hence the name is royal jelly. This type of milk white substance helps the queen to live so long and make her more fertile.

The products made from royal jelly are sold for beauty supply. Whereas these claims are unproven, some of the studies on humans found that royal jelly can lower the levels of cholesterol.

Venom: It can be either injected by a needle or allowing the bee to sting the affected area. This is the most complex form of apitherapy, so you must consult a practitioner.

If you are suffering with tendonitis, just two or three sessions can help you. While the pain associated with degenerative bone disease can only be reduced by taking several sessions a week for at least six months.

Be sure to get an allergy test before attempting this from of apitherapy. Venom contains natural anti-inflammatory chemicals which are more potent than hydrocortisone for tendonitis and arthritis.

Some other health benefits of apitherapy are the breaking down and softening of scar tissues as a cosmetic application.

Apitherapy can also helps in decreasing fatigue and spasms associated with sufferers of MS. Some of the antitoxins can be beneficial in keeping AIDS patients from constricting flu’s and viruses.

Apitherapy practitioners do not require any license or credentialing organizations.

How can’t take apitherapy?

  • Don’t forget to get an allergy test before taking apitherapy. If you are allergic to bee pollen then you should avoid this type of apitherapy treatment.
  • If you have heart disease or diabetes you should not seek apitherapy.
  • Never give any type of honey to infants.

There are no suggested dosage standards for apitherapy treatment. Exercise can help when you first starting to experiment with the benefits of apitherapy.